I was getting my girls ready to go down for the night. Changing Alyza into her pajamas, my back was to Isabella. She and I were having a chat about the day. When I finished with Alyza I turned to see Isabella in mid-sentence perched on a ledge atop her bedroom moldings. My eyebrows furled. I was a bit perplexed at her choice of seating! Not seeing anything wrong, she continued on her thought as if this was a regular occurrence.
Just then I smiled and raised my eyebrows at her. She must have clued into my thoughts of her odd placement on the wall, because after that the laughs got the best of both of us.
Ha! That is hilarious :) And looky here, I'm the first commenter on your blog as well. We are SO COOL.
P.S. Your daughter's room is adorable! Did you do all the decorating???
Her room looks so cute. You should totally go to Thanksgiving Point for some pics of your cute family!
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